And Trinity? She's all about accessories right now. Sometimes she even steals some of mine.
We took the girls to "Old Town," the touristy part of our new city. It has lots of restaurants, some rides, games, and shops.
And I like the architecture.
We ate at the Y minority restaurant, and it was a hit with my girls since everyone sits at a kid-sized table with little stools. Grace and Trinity both loved the "gan ba," which is dried beef.
There's also a man who sets up every night and makes various animals out of caramel. Here are the girls waiting for their butterfly they got to share.
They loved it!
Actually, it took all four of us to finish it.
Old Town at night
And on Saturday we went to the local park. We missed parks when we lived in CZ, so this has been a welcome find.
There are even a few swings! Granted they are way too high off the ground and have concrete below, but we'll take them!
Grace, again with the posing. She does this all on her own!
Grace had fun doing some painting. There's also a small bird and flower market attached where you can stare at all kinds of cute animals. We have already puppy-sat for a friend a few times this month, and let me tell you seeing my girls with puppies really makes me want one! But the practical side in me says, "no way!" At least not for now.
Because that same night I cut a few inches off of Grace's hair, and because she was so excited about having "shorter hair," I had to take a picture.
We are settling in well and are thankful for this new city! The girls and I have spent hours outside each day because the weather here really is great for doing so. And the girls have dug right in to play with local kids. That's been fun. We have a guest bedroom, so come visit! Two nights ago Grace and Trinity started sharing a room. THAT'S been funny to listen to. Mostly it's been Trinity yelling, "Grace?! Graaaaace! We go to sleep!?" Grace is learning that if she doesn't talk back to her sister, she won't keep bugging her. It's been going well so far! I hope as they grow up sharing a room they can talk and giggle and share hearts.