Monday, January 26, 2009

getting excited

I think it's finally starting to sink in that we're having another bambino. For the longest time, March seemed like a far-off date. Not so much anymore. Looks like this baby girl will be born March 5, if not before. Only 39 days left! I'm excited to know that Grace absolutely adores little babies right now, although I'm sure she will have quite an adjustment not being the only child...I'm forseeing some major jealousy in the days ahead! But, for now, she loves to kiss my belly and talk to baby sister. When she sees the baby move, she pulls her shirt up and makes her belly move and says, "look mommy, my baby's moving too." Tonight she was "tickling" baby sister and holding her hand on my tummy. She looked up and me with sincerity and said, "Mommy, can you take her out?" It's fun to watch her little brain try to process this. We're attempting potty training, but thus far we've only had lots of sit-time and not much action. Hmmm, I've been reading up on potty training and am learning there are as many different potty-training philosophies as there are experts.


kristen lewis said...

I love that she is wearing plastic shoes on the potty. Stylish even with her drawers dropped!

I cannot wait to meet baby Godin. I am starting to get really excited too!

Patricia & Pat Godin said...

How cute. But I must add I am glad it is you in the throes of potty training rather than me.

We look forward to seeing you soon. Mom G

Anonymous said...

Years from now, Grace will say, "Mom and Dad, I can't believe you took this picture!" Esepcially when her future fiance sees it later on! Still a precious picture. You both are proud parents. Keep us posted on baby number 2.


Grady and Cindy Butler