A few weeks ago a doctor confirmed a diagnosis which gave me a medical explanation for our infertility lo those many years. My first thought was, "this is absolutely crazy!" I mean, all those years of trying for a baby and seeing doctors and tests and I'm JUST NOW fully understanding what was/is happening with my wacky hormones while at a routine doctor visit?
It's absolutely crazy, if you look at it from an earthly perspective. Truth is, I look back and am extremely grateful that at the time I didn't have a "diagnosis." In my heart of hearts, I think God knows I would have sunk into an even deeper pit than I was already in.
Truth is God didn't have to answer my prayer for children but He did. Knowing how difficult it is for women with my diagnosis to get pregnant has made me stop again and praise Him for choosing to allow me on this motherhood journey. It also makes those extra drama-filled days that come with having wee ones a bit easier.
Something our family likes to do after dinner sometimes is turn on music and dance in the living room. Even Trinity gets in on the action now with her little toddler moves. Last week I pulled out a cd I haven't listened to in over a year but it immediately took me back in time. (Does anyone else have music that does that for them?) When we lived in Ft. Worth, I drove all over town for my job, which gave me some great times for praise and worship on I-35! The Lord used many songs and scriptures to comfort during our "infertility days" but one in particular was Hillsong's "Blessed" cd. And so as my girls and I danced around our living room with Hillsong in the background I was reminded that I still need to choose thankfulness over annoyance when I hear "MOMM-MMYYYY!" for the 140th time in a day because there are many nights I wrestled with the Lord and asked Him for that very privilege. I am so completely blessed.
Back in 2004, Kevin and I quickly bonded with a precious couple who also came to live on the East Side. I think one of the things that bonded us so quickly, besides the fact that they are just plain awesome, was our shared infertility journey. They rejoiced with so many others who had children while they prayerfully, beautifully, expectantly waited to become parents. And finally, last year they experienced the miracle of adoption! It has been one of the most beautiful journeys to parenthood I've ever seen. And not long ago they discovered they are expecting another child. JD2, from 0 to 2 kids in 13 months...can you believe it?! We are rejoicing with you!
Ok, and since I always love a post with pictures, can I show you a few pictures of our girls taken in February? (I know, taken 2 months ago...I'm so on top of it!)