Monday, February 20, 2012

the water fountain

As we finished vacation and waited to board our international flight back to the mainland, we saw something we never see here: a water fountain. You know, the drinking kind. (How developed and first-world of them!)

I chuckled when Grace asked me what it was. Seriously?! How could she not know?! But then I remembered, she really doesn't recall ever seeing one before. Grace wanted to try it out so I explained how to use it. And reminded her not to put her mouth on the nozzle. Ick.

"MOMMY! This is a-maz-ing! Look, you just push the button here and the water keeps coming! It's so cool!! And it's free!! You don't have to pay a thing for this water!!" She pretty much repeated this mantra 12 times in between gulps. After a few minutes, I finally tore her away from her new discovery, water completely soaking her shirt.

And it dawned on me, Grace doesn't remember much from our time in the States. When we first moved back to Asia in 2009 Grace was the exact age that Trinity is now, just shy of 3 years old. How in the world can that be? For the first year or two, Grace remembered quite a bit about American life. Now she remembers hardly anything except family members and friends.

This summer we'll make some more memories in the States. I can hardly wait to hear what comes out of her mouth. :)


Anonymous said...

We are so looking forward to helping Grace and Trinity make good memories. Nana

Judy Gerlt said...

Yes, and I'm thankful for the trips we grandparents have been able to take--and Skype! What fun it will be this summer to see the U.S. through the eyes of our little third world kiddos. Love you!

Judy Gerlt said...
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