Friday, January 22, 2010

just a few cultural funnies

I've been in such a blogging slump lately. Partly because I'm trying to decide how much I really want to share on such an open forum such as this. So as my mind keeps pondering such thoughts I will, in the meantime, keep this as a place to journal memories from our kids' early years. The other day I was looking through our smaller camera and found a few more pictures from when my parents were here. Most of these pictures my mom took while we were traveling to the countryside. It's fun to have people visit who don't live here normally because then I get to experience some of the newness of the cultural differences with them again. I love it. Sometimes I forget to take note of things like these because I've seen them over and over. So Mom, I'm glad you were taking notice! So many restaurants serve fish. Really fresh fish. Sometimes you can even pick out which fish you want for your meal and they will cook it right then. Here, Grace is pondering how big these fish are. A restaurant worker told her the big one would feed 7-8 people. And, when you order a fish, it is served "whole." As in, it is considered a more beautiful presentation to have the head and tail attached while you eat it. And a hot item to eat here is fish head soup. One of our friends' 3 year old son loves to eat fish eyeballs. As in, it's in his top 5 favorite foods! I don't really love fish here but this dish below is one exception. It's translated "butterfly fish" and is one of the few fish dishes here we've eaten without the bones to work through. It's filleted, rolled in cilantro and other veggies and has an amazing sauce which includes garlic and peanuts. I promise, it's sooo good!
Ok Mom, don't kill me but I thought your expression was too funny on this picture! I loved the look Mom made when the waitress served our fish and faced him looking right at her!
But see? They really liked it!
This is one thing I wouldn't make anyone's the time of year again for dog meat. Yes, that's a dog carcass hanging in the window. I've only HAD to eat it once. Kevin's eaten it a bunch and doesn't think it's too bad but don't trust him because he's also been known to thrown down horse organs and like them, too! Dog is considered a "hot" food so is generally served in the winter. It's tough as tough can be. No, I won't make anyone eat this.
And finally here's a pretty good Chinglish sign from our favorite milk tea shop. If you can't read the English it says, "Heart to you...the first time ever I kissed you mouth I felt the ear."
There are many opportunities to laugh over here!


Valerie said...

Hahahaha, you should buy the necklace and give it to someone you love. That's hilarious.

Jim Gerlt said...

Ah, the memories:) That fish dish tops any gourmet dish in America. I'll always be glad to share the head, though. Must say my "south China hair" is reminiscent of an old Johnny Carson character, Floyd R. Turbo. He wore one of those hunting caps with the ear flaps hanging down. Lovely.

kristen lewis said...

That dog made me throw up in my mouth just a little. My favorite China memory was the pig on the motorcycle. "Are you still asking why?" And the picture of Grace with the fish is adorable.

Unknown said...

They serve the whole fish here in France as well. It is really hard to eat something when it is looking at you. They say they serve it with the head so you will know it is the fish you ordered. Our best fish story was when my family ate fried minnows. That was just funny to see everyone eating bate.

Anonymous said...

I still say I will eat what Brigitte is willing to eat. I can't say that about Kevin's choices. Don't steer us wrong when we are there in March. We have ways to get even. Mom

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