Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What I want to remember

Something precious to my heart right now is that for the last month Trinity has been joining her big sister for the night-time routine of Bible story with Daddy. Currently our routine is bath, jammies and brush teeth, right after which Trinity usually yells, "BIBLE!" Sometimes she will go find Kevin and tell him "BIBLE!" as if to say, "It's time now, Daddy!" After Bible story Kevin always asks the girls what they want to thank God for and for the first several days Trinity usually said, "crackers." Sometimes we don't really understand what she's saying and she often wanders off during the prayer, but it's fun to see her growing up and joining her big sister in this nightly ritual. She also joins Grace and me for a book right after prayer time.

Something else I want to remember is the last few months of watching my girls interact. Sure, they have their moments of fighting. But overall I've decided siblings are just a really fun thing to watch. These two deeply love each other and I've treasured how much they are developing into friends. Sometimes if Trinity is awake from her nap before Grace (and if I don't want Grace to sleep too long), I'll have Trinity go in with me to wake her up. Here's a picture I snapped today of Trinity's attempt to wake up her sister. I want to remember that lately Trinity gives the BEST hugs. She almost always gives me one on command at this stage in her little life. Some nights she will play a game where she goes in between Daddy, Grace and me and keep giving us hug after hug. This girl is a snuggler. I want to remember that although the days seem long right now, I should savor every moment because my girls are growing up quickly.
I want to remember that Grace is a coloring fiend right now. She sometimes colors up to 6 pages in a day. Her mind is always working and thinking of a project we can do or a way we can pretend together. She loves to dress up silly and pose for the camera.
I want to remember that although kids at school still yell "foreigner" every day Grace walks in the school gate and at times make mean faces, the other day (after being home sick for a few days) she told me she missed her 2 teachers. And I've seen some progress in her language. And sometimes she comes home and tells me she made a new friend on the playground.
I want to remember how faithful the Lord has been thus far. And how confident I can be in His goodness. I want to remember to press into Him whether I'm having a rough culture day here or whether we're having the best family day ever at Disneyland. For some reason, the rough culture days remind me more to press into Him than the carefree days. Why do I forget to pursue Him so much when life is easy?
I want to remember that although there's not much that seems "easy" right now, I know these are some of the most blessed days of my life.


Anonymous said...

Beautifully written and photographed. Good memories help get us through the rough spots. Nana

Darla said...

wonderful post, it has been a blessing to see how Father has led you guys.

Anonymous said...

love the post! thank you for sharing what you want to remember... which is a reminder to all of us to remain watchful & grateful. so appreciate the beautiful pictures of the girls. can't believe how quickly they're growing up & changing. wish we could hug you all... so until then we'll send iur hugs electronically. ~jd2

sandra said...

Girl, these days are long. I have no clue how we're going to make it when we have to add in homeschooling. Thanks for such a sweet post. Love Trinity holding her baby flashing a little Star Trek sign. Love Grace in her pink snow hat.

Anonymous said...

Posts like this one and last night's skype make us ALMOST feel like we've had a visit with you! Snuggle those girls for us tonight--and rub Trinity's head, would you? Sure do love you four.


Valerie said...

Beautiful post, my friend.

kristen lewis said...

You capture their essence so well in these pictures! I love looking back on days gone by and smiling. Thanks for recording these fun days with your sweet girls. I love you so much.

Chad Gerlt said...

Amen, sister!

ashley said...

what a great post. thanks for the reminder to be thankful in all circumstances. you guys are such an amazing family!