Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Whole Hand

Grace turned FIVE this week. Five years old! And on top of that, she's about to lose her first tooth. I'm telling you, the loose tooth has gotten to Kevin and me more than her turning five. Is she really old enough to be hitting these kinds of milestones? It still feels like only yesterday she was a toddler running around. Grace has changed so much this year, especially in the last 6 months. We've seen much growth physically, (she grew 2 inches in 2 months!) spiritually, and mentally. She is inquisitive, smart as a whip, and a great big sister. We celebrated two days early with a little party on Saturday. We began the day by letting her open something she's been wanting for at least 6 months, a scooter. I've never seen her happier about a present before. I think the 6-month wait was good for her. She has been permanently attached to this thing all week! Since we are still new to town, I had no idea who we would celebrate Grace's birthday with this year. We invited 4 little kids, one of whom couldn't make it and one who had to be late. But then one of my friends asked if she could bring along some kids she teaches and I said, "You bet!" One thing about Grace is she loves meeting new people. And she loves a good party. She's my social butterfly. The thought of having new friends she'd never met before really excited her. When I explained to her that most of the kids probably wouldn't bring gifts and that we had already opened her gifts earlier in the day, she was totally fine with that. I was so proud of her. She just wanted friends there to celebrate with!
Here's Trinity with a few cupcakes, san icing. Our local friends typically don't like sweets that are over-sweet, especially icing. Trinity had been sick for a few days prior to the party, and I was prepared to have the party outside if needed. I didn't want to expose anybody if I thought she was still sick. Trinity woke up Saturday morning feeling great, so we had the party inside. Unfortunately, she got really sick again that afternoon and stayed sick for a few more days. I guess she just wanted to be well for the party!
We started off our time coloring, to break the ice. These kids colored diligently and with such great care that I had to finally move them on to another activity before they were finished.
This little cutie wanted to wear his formal attire for the party. He's a friend Grace and Trinity have enjoyed playing with in the evenings at our apartment complex.
And who doesn't love a little Pin the Tail on Bullseye?
Grace wanted a Jessie cake this year. Let's just say PTL for edible cake toppers which can be ordered online. This cake topper was mailed to my mother-in-law, who mailed it to our previous city, which we also moved 800 miles to our new city. Oh the things we do for our kids! :) Grace loved it, though. Can you see that huge, hideous candle? A friend gave it to me sort of as a gag gift (it lights up huge, opens, and plays music forever). Grace saw it, loved it and wanted it on her Jessie cake.
The party really got hopping when we played a balloon game.
And the favorite seemed to be the Wii! Grace was so excited because she beat a big 9 year old boy at Wii boxing. (Have I mentioned this girl is competitive!?)

  • Here's most of the crew, minus 2 kids. I have to say, this might sounds trivial but I was extremely thankful and felt like the Lord himself sent these kids here for Grace's birthday. A few months ago, when we discovered we were moving, my initial reaction as a mom was to worry about more transition for my kids. Then the next day I heard a woman speak who raised kids overseas. She said the Lord has put our entire families together and it's not a surprise to Him that our children live overseas, too. He knows their needs and their little personalities. This sounds so basic but it was freeing for me and it hit me right where I was at the time. For Grace, it was important for her to have some little kids to celebrate with. And she ended the day by saying things like, "this was the best birthday party I've ever had" and "I wish this day would never end."
  • At the end of the day, we were trying to encourage Grace and tell her the ways we have observed growth in her this year. We also told her how proud we are to have her as our daughter. Then she asked, "Are you also proud that I can beat a 9 year old boy at wii boxing?" Love you, big girl.


Anonymous said...

ahhh... HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL GRACE! B, this post really blessed my heart. Thank you for the pictures & the perspective. so appreciate you! (((hugs)))

Anonymous said...

What a blessing to begin and end this day with posts from you, sweet girl...and to know we will be with you this time next week! I have a lump in my throat after reading these tonight. Love,Mom

Anonymous said...

Grace has definitely grown in so many ways this year other than just physically. It is good to see this. I know you do a great job in making each of their birthdays special Nana

sandra said...

Wow. I just can't believe she's 5. Time is passing by so quickly. I'm so thankful some kids were able to come to her party. Our guy would be the same way - he loves having kids around no matter who they are.