Sunday, September 9, 2007

being silly

I was going to write something, but I'm feeling a little lazy on this Sunday evening so I'll post some pictures instead. Until next time, here's our girl being silly...


Amy said...

I love the spaghetti pictures...I believe my mom has some similar pictures of me. She really is a doll and I hope to meet her someday.

Patricia & Pat Godin said...

You are a wise mother to have Grace dressed only in her diaper when feeding her spaghetti. It makes clean-up so much easier.
This grandmother loves silly pictures of Grace. Mom G.

rachel said...

I'm impressed kevin could fit inside that tent! I've never tried, but it seems a bit unrealistic...but maybe not! And mantha loves my broom thing like yours too...she drags it all over the house. I'm sure when mantha sees the pictres, she will immediately identify grace as a likeminded soul. :)