Sunday, December 16, 2007

Grandpa George

One of the toughest things about living overseas is missing out on big family events, funerals included. There's something healing about being able to get together with the whole family and remember a loved one. Of course, we knew this was a possibility when we decided to move to Asia. But since we have moved overseas, my Pop Wallace and Grandma Gerlt have both gone on to be with Him. On Thursday, Kevin's Grandpa George passed away. Currenlty Kevin is in the other room, composing a letter to be read at the funeral. He just shared some memories with me I hadn't heard, like Grandpa George taking him to watch the airplanes in Borger years ago and always making sure there was sugar involved! I always wanted to ask him what his secret was...the man could eat 3 desserts a day and still remained a bean pole! I'll remember Grandpa George as the sugar-loving, gentle man who really loved Him and wanted His grandkids to work overseas. In fact, 3 of the 6 grandkids currently are. He and Grandma George used to get up very early and lift up all their kids and grandkids together. PTL for family who points us to Him! We will miss you, Grandpa George...


Anonymous said...

What a legacy this kind, humble man left for his family. Isn't it fitting this Christmas to honor Grandpa George as we celebrate The One who makes a life like this possible!! Kevin, Jim and I are yarping for you especially, knowing it's hard at times like this. We love you and look forward to huggin' your necks in only five days!!

kristen lewis said...

What a beautiful tribute to a man that obviously meant a lot to both of you. I am so sorry that you cannot be with family right now. Know that you are very much loved and being lifted up. Hug Kevin for me.

Anonymous said...

when my papa passed away our first year in asiaer, i also wrote a little letter thing, and it helped me so much to feel like i was participating in some way. thanks for sharing about him and letting us all know what a faithful servant he was. prying for you.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful legacy Grandpa George left. Thinking of you all during this time.