Wednesday, January 16, 2008

make-over gone bad

As you can tell, we supervise her very closely. :) She managed to do this in 2 minutes flat.

Yes, I've been scrubbing lipstick out of her coat for quite a while today.


Patricia & Pat Godin said...

We had to go online to see your blog after talking with your this a.m. We enjoyed the expression and the make-over gone bad. Grace's expression says it all. I am glad you did not spoil the surprise until we saw the picture. It will be fun to pull this picture out later--say when she is 15. Mom Godin

kristen lewis said...

Ah, I do love that girl.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing what can happen in just 2 minutes!

MichelleWebb said...

I just found the piece of paper with your blog address you gave me last August! Now you're on my Google Reader and I'll keep up with you! Looking forward to seeing you all soon!