Saturday, July 4, 2009


...or "peng-zai," as they call it here!! Kevin has long admired bonsai trees. Every time we walk by vendors selling them here, he will stop and take a gander and talk about how much he likes them. So, for his Father's Day gift this year, Kevin got to pick out his very own. I really enjoyed watching him research bonsai trees on the internet and bust out words like "ramification." Huh? (BTW, did you know bonsai trees actually originated in this country, but the Japanese took them and made them more of an art form?) Anway, Kevin has been looking up ways to prune them and which kinds of trees work well indoors since he wants it for his office. So, he went to both bird and flower markets a few times each to get just the right tree (and price!) The trees are expensive here, but not nearly as expensive as in the US. Kevin picked out a tree that needs a little bit of work and pruning, but he got a great deal. He said his goal this year is just to not kill it! Grace thought the coolest part was a few of the little ants we found living in the tree.


Anonymous said...

good choice. i love trees of all kinds! here's to the year of green thumb! ~jd2

sandra said...

Wow. I can't wait to see Kevin's pruned tree. So exciting. It's the little things - ya know?

Anonymous said...

Kevin, that tree makes my bonsai tree look really puny. Mom