Sunday, March 7, 2010


Look who's one!! And guess who traveled across the ocean for her birthday? Trinity had a Hong Kong birthday this year since we had to leave the country again. (Yes, I know it feels like we've been to HK many times this year. 3 to be exact!) Nana and Pappaw flew in the night before Trinity's birthday. We had a fun little family party. Grace was more excited than anyone. That girl loves a good party. It was sweet to see her excited for her sister. Last year at my baby shower for Trinity the only time I got teary-eyed was opening this cute little "One" outfit from Rebekah M. (thank you, friend!) I think the tears came because I knew the first year would fly by quickly. And wouldn't you know it? It did. Trinity, how are you a year old already? Weren't we just in Lubbock at the hospital? I'm thankful for your first year of life. It's given me a chance to stop and savor baby-dom again. You have been such a sweet and wanted addition to our family. We all love you. You had a great, smiley, cuddly birthday. We ate at Amaroni's for lunch and you loved your strawberry birthday cake. Sister helped me make it. She also helped you open your gifts. Trinity, at one year:
  • You are cruising furniture and standing on your own. We hope you take your first steps while Nana and Pappaw are here.
  • You are completely on table food and eat almost anything we serve you. I guess it's only fitting since you have so many teeth! All four of your molars have partially cut through the gumline.
  • You are a good sleeper but will stir if I even set foot in your room at night! I guess you sleep pretty light!
  • You love to raise your hands if we say "Hallelujah" or "How big is Trinity?" and clap for us when we sing songs.
  • You can say a few words like "Mama," "night-night," and "bye bye." Nana is really working on "Nana" right now and it seems like you've said it a few times :)
  • You love to look at books and point to babies' eyes, give us high-fives and "head bonks."
  • You love to cuddle (please don't stop this) and suck your thumb while rubbing your ear when you are tired.
  • You have the cutest little kinky-curly patch of hair on the back of your head. Sometimes it makes a little mohawk. You will definitely be our curly-top. I apologize in advance for my lack of curly hair-do skills.
  • You think your sister hung the moon and give her the biggest cackles of anyone
Happy Birthday, little one!


kristen lewis said...

She is precious. Her toothy grin warms my heart. Happy birthday, angel!

O Fam said...

These are such BEAUTIFUL pictures! I love the smiles. I am glad she was wonderfully celebrated. Have fun in HK!

Anonymous said...

What a radiant little joy-giver! Thank you for posting these pictures of Trinity's first birthday party. Give those chubby cheeks kisses from Granna and Papa. Love to all of you.

Rachel said...

Fun, fun, fun! How special to have family there for Trinity's first birthday. I had to chuckle since I recognized the background in the pictures...we were just there a few weeks ago! Hope you're enjoying your HK time!

jdavis2 said...

ahhhh... happy birthday sweet girl! when i saw these pictures i got a glimpse of you brigitte. you must have been a beautiful baby! love you, all 4!

Hannah O said...

Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy BIRTHDAY!!!!! Trinity you are such a cute little girl!! You are such a beautifullitlle wonder and We love you

ashley said...

not possible she is one. I can't believe it! that last picture is the best- those eyes!