Sunday, February 20, 2011

Year of the Rabbit, abbreviated

Since we headed south for Chinese New Year, we missed out on most of the festivities around town. But everyone was definitely getting in the holiday spirit before we left. We had friends bring us zongzi, candy, and shagao the night before we headed out of town. The girls enjoyed the candy and Trinity ate up the shagao (a sesame flavored, sandy-textured cake.) But none of us are big zongzi eaters. These rice and meat or date-filled concoctions are wrapped with bamboo leaves and steamed for hours. I equate it to the Chinese equivalent of tamales. They take forever to make and are done with care. But I couldn't bring myself to eat it so late at night the evening before we left town, and I couldn't bring myself to throw it in the trash. And since all my neighbors would KNOW that I didn't make it I couldn't re-gift it. So what did I do? I stuck it in my freezer. Anyone know what to do with frozen zongzi? My husband has always wanted to set off one of those huge wheels of firecrackers. You know, the really, really loud ones that aren't pretty, just LOUD. He got to do it. He was so happy.
We also bought some sparklers for Grace, because everyone loves a good sparkler. But the kind we bought this year had a little "kick" to them at the end. That is, when the sparkler was almost out, it made a huge noise and the end of it shot off like a bird. Scary, surprising, and not a good mix with a 4 year old girl. Needless to say, after one sparkler Grace let her Daddy handle the rest.
Trinity wasn't feeling well on the night of the Lantern Festival (the last official day of the holiday), but there was a big performance at the gov't complex near our home. So I sent Kevin to scope it out. He said half the town was there. Seriously. They apparently had a cool dragon performance.
And then he came home and we took the girls outside to watch the spectacular fireworks show. We had an amazing view without even leaving our apartment complex.
Happy Year of the Rabbit. My husband's a rabbit. Guess that means he's turning one of those multiples of 12 this year...and it's not 24.


Anonymous said...

Poor Grace! Sparklers should be relatively uneventful:) Glad you got in on some of the festivities without having to live through weeks of fireworks. Say, don't feel obligated to keep that special treat for us this summer.

Amy said...

I can't believe Kevin actually bought of one those super loud firecrackers. I'll never forget last year being woken up by one at like 5 in the morning. Oh, Happy New Year. :)