Wednesday, March 2, 2011


  • We celebrated Trinity's second birthday today. It's a few days early, but Kevin and I have to be out of town this weekend. (Dad, I listened and am getting these posted before we leave!!) I'm sure I will say (have said) this every year, but I can't believe my baby is two. Then again, she's speaking like a big girl, showing preferences like a 2 year old, and has literally grown an inch in the past month. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised!
  • But first, how about we start with a few pictures from the past week? One morning, while Grace was at preschool, Trinity went and grabbed sister's headband and purple shoes and danced around the house to music.
She loves to turn her entire body to the side to say, "cheese."
I love her curls. I have no idea what to do with them, but I love them. And I love it when people here ask me if I curl it or if it is natural.
Such a ham!
There's the head tilt again.
This morning Trinity and I had fun together getting ready for her party. I might have even let her eat peanut butter off a spoon for breakfast, because hey, why not when it's your (fake) birthday? I might have also let her run around naked for quite a while because she really did not want to get dressed today. It was just a birthday suit-wearing kind of day. After sister got home from school we let her open some gifts. Here's an ornery face it I ever saw one.
Woody potato head was a big hit.
Of course Grace was more excited than her sister about the big day. This week she kept telling Trinity how many days until her birthday party. And she wanted to make sister a present so she made some hand-print butterflies and put them in a gift bag. Good job, big sissy!
Big birthday hug/strangle.
We enjoyed a little cake with some dear friends. Family pic is courtesy Robbie O.
This picture is so Trinity; she is always sticking her tongue out! It's her, "I'm thinking" look.
Our friends brought some sweet gifts, including this wooden "T" that H handmade for Trinity! This is one thoughtful guy!!
And another friend is a great artist and drew this rendition of Trinity on the computer and turned it into a coloring page! How cool is that?! And being ever so mindful of big sister, he made a rendition of Grace too! I thought it really looked like her!
Here are the girls posing with our friend (the artist) and his soon-to-be wife!
Trinity, I am thankful God gave you to us. You already have such a fun little personality which seems to love laughter and love people. I enjoy hearing you pray at night after Daddy, "Dear God, love you, so good, Amen." Your language has exploded over the last few months and you are conveying complete thoughts and sentences. You recently started showing preferences such as suddenly becoming picky about certain foods on certain days. Such a little toddler! You love, love to dance. Right now your favorite book is Hokey Pokey Elmo because it involves dancing. You adore your big sister and want to do things just like her, although sometimes you just want to hit her. (That's a recent development we gotta work on!) You are still a big mama's girl and follow me around like a puppy throughout the day. It's been such a great year watching you learn and grow. Happy birthday, little one, we love you!


Anonymous said...

Nana and Pappaw

kristen lewis said...

I remember the day that she was born like it was yesterday. Happy birthday, sweet girl. I am crazy about you (and your mommy).

Anonymous said...

oh Trinity you are so precious! and i too love your curls! what a fun age... so much to explore and so much to do! we love you and are so grateful for the gift of you!
p.s. quite impressed with the coloring pages as well. those are amazing!
(((hugs))) to the birthday girl... and to her adoring big sister!

sandra said...

Happy Birthday Trinity! You are too cute! Love your butterfly cake!