Friday, August 17, 2007

just for grins, some truly bad Engrish

In preparation for a major sporting event coming to this country next year, the gov't is working to clean up its plague of bad English. For us expats living here, we don't see that practically happening anytime soon. Maybe it will happen in the capital city...

Here's a sampling of greeting cards that I found at a local store:

For those of you who can't read microscopic print, here's what the cards say word for word:
"For the best fried: we all llke havlng you as our teacher You have our respect and gratefulness"
"I pray for you: A beautilal night sky feels so close to me. In my slul and in my heart."
"Love takes time: I most love the grass mildew"
But I must say, at least they are making an effort!


kristen lewis said...

Those are hilarious! I especially love the grass mildew. Although, I guess they are probably better than my attempt at a Chinese greeting card would be.

The Kilcoynes said...

How I love to watch the mildew grow in the grass. It makes me wonder what we say in our adoptive languages.