Sunday, September 7, 2008

enjoying the ordinary

In a few weeks, we will start a busy travel season. But for now, we are truly enjoying a season of a slower change of pace. Even little outings like going to the park and running errands at the store seem pretty fun right now. We can't believe how dry and relatively cool the weather feels here in Lubbock compared to our tropical home in Asia. And of course, we have loved getting reacquainted with friends and family. Grace loves to water the flowers with Papa Jim. (Nana, with all your pretty flowers in Lindale, this might entertain Grace for hours when we come to visit!) My mom found a great tricycle at a consignment shop, and the other day we went out (still in our pajamas) and let Grace ride outside. She got it going by herself for the first time! Here she is looking proud of herself. And, of course, we have to hide pretty jewelry in the trunk! Getting ready for Sunday morning. Big grin.
Kevin used to grill quite a bit, and I loved it when he made lemon-pepper chicken. Kevin's parents brought us our grill all the way from Lindale so we can use it when we move into our temporary home in mid-September. Well, last night Kevin broke out the grill and made us some wonderful chicken. He didn't lose any of his skills while in Asia! Swinging in the backyard with Granna and Papa Jim. Today we had a little playgroup meeting at the park. Here's Grace and her sweet friend Carter. Aren't they a cute couple? Carter is the son of my BFF Kristen, and he and Grace are betrothed. Granna and Grace had fun going down this slide a few times. Granna's a good sport!


Anonymous said...

thank you for the update!
you all look amazing! ahhhh... seeing you so happy makes me miss you even more! :)
i'm smiling now... your joy is contagious.
love you!!!

O Fam said...

Hannah said the other day, "How long has Grace been gone?...2 weeks? seems like forever." Well said. So glad to see you all having a great time! Tell K to remember those lemon chicken skillz when he comes back!!

kristen lewis said...

I am so glad that you are home! I love getting to fall in love with Grace all over again. And I just adore getting to spend ordinary time with you.