Saturday, September 19, 2009

We heart HK

Because of the visa we currently have, we are required to leave the big country every 90 days. This works out well to combine the trip with medical appointments and a few days of vacation. So at the end of August we headed to Hong Kong for 6 days. Unfortunately, the few pictures I took did NOT do Hong Kong justice. I just simply didn't stop very often to take pictures because we always seemed to be in transit. It's such a beautiful place. Seriously, go there sometime in your lifetime. Kevin and I have been there a few times previously, so we didn't do much of the touristy things. And we've decided that Hong Kong, though fun, is anything but relaxing. It feels like you walk out the door and start running. But what a fun city! Next time we head there we hope to venture to Hong Kong Disneyland because we know Grace will love it, but we thought late August might be a bit hot so we are waiting it out for cooler weather. (Does this make us sound really old or what?) Trinity did not sleep much but both girls traveled so well. And Grace was excited that we got to ride a plane, 2 buses (to cross the border), and a taxi cab all in one day. Kevin is my directions man. I would wander around aimlessly lost if it wasn't for him.
HK does have a great subway system. We spend lots of time on the MTR...
and walking down busy streets where we need to go.
For us, HK is a chance to grab wonderful food. We enjoy the western food options, but this time we also found a great Thai restaurant in a mall while waiting for the bus of all places.
We ventured across town to find out that Hard Rock was closed (too bad for Kevin) but we did redeem the trip with a visit to Toys R Us for Grace. We told her she could pick out one item. She had first picked out a random toy, but when she found this kitchen food set she automatically knew she wanted to put the other toy back and stopped looking from there. She's all about playing kitchen right now. We told her she would have to wait until we got back to our flat to open it, since we had stopped for some coffee. So all the sudden I heard Grace say, "Ok Mom and Dad I have to go back now. But I'll see you later!" And she had headed for the nearest exit.
Except the nearest exit opened to the harbor, so she had to wait for us.
But she was a good sport about it!


Anonymous said...

OK, I've been doing pretty good about missing you guys, but these pictures of Grace make me LONG to play house with that bubbly girl and cuddly that chubby baby! We heart you four!!!

Mom (Granna)

kristen lewis said...

Trinity looks so grown up. I wish I could love on her- she will be too big the next time I see her. And Grace is a doll with her hair pulled back. Precious. You need to get in front of the camera too. Miss you.