Tuesday, August 7, 2007

today the inevitable happened

We're no stranger to powers outages in this country. They happen frequently in the winter when it doesn't rain so much. Our city runs on hydroelectric power, so we rely on good rains to keep the power going. Winter power outages are annoying but something we can deal with. But summers? Oh, quite another story. We like our air conditioning thank you very much. These little concrete building can become ovens in the summer and refrigerators in the winter. Kevin and I had personally never experienced a bad power outage in the summer...until today. This morning our neighbor called and asked if we had the same sign on our building that they did...no power today from 9:30am-6:30 pm. Much to our chagrin, there was a sign. Now, we have many friends who do not use air conditioning here, and many Asians do not even own one. So, theoretically it can be done. No a/c is one thing, but no air at all is another. It's difficult for us to get a good cross-breeze in our house. Today the forecasted high was in the upper 90's. So, I hurredly filled up some buckets of water since, in our building, no power also usually means no water. We had planned a dinner meeting at our home, but it was moved to a restaurant. Most importantly, we packed up and went to Kevin's cousin's home!! Jeff and Amy graciously let us stay at their house. It was great to have a place for Grace to nap. Grace had her first incident with stairs while there. I guess it's also inevitable for every toddler, but oh did it hurt my heart. As I was in the bathroom (and failed to ask the others in the room to watch Grace), I heard a loud splat. Face first on the hard marble floor. She'll have quite the bruise...


Jeff & Amy said...

Brigitte! We had such an awesome time with you and your family today. Everyone please know that it is not Brigitte's fault that Grace fell down - Jeff blames himself! :)

kristen lewis said...

I am so glad that you had a place to go rather than sitting in pools of your own sweat in your apartment! The fall on the stairs was inevitable- it happens to every kid at some point in time. At least it is behind you now! The first time that we looked at our house, Carter literally rolled down all 16 stairs and we still bought the house! He is so much more careful on them now. One of those pesky life lessons. Love you.

Chad Gerlt said...

Great to hear from you guys in Blog form. When Anna Kate was a baby I was carrying her down the stairs for her nap and I missed the first step entirely and landed on my hip, propelling 10 lb. AK's head to the wall and scraping it up pretty good. We took her to the ER and by the time we got there she was giggling and chattering. Kids sure are resilient.

The Kilcoynes said...

You have AC??? We don't have AC, but at least we have a cross-breeze (when there is a wind). We live in a valley right now.

So good to hear from you.

Sorry about Grace. :-(