Sunday, October 28, 2007

He's got it taken care of

You know those kind of days... The ones where you feel at your whit's end, then something happens where Dad totally ministers to you... I had one of those today. Grace has been sick off-and-on all week, nothing truly serious, but last night she woke up with a spiked fever around 104 degrees. She was burning up, sweating from head to toe, and her hands were shaking. (Why is fever always worse at night?) I had visions of having to go to the ER, not an experience I want to repeat after a trip there during my pregnancy. But fortunately the fever came down quickly with some tylenol and a wet sponge. We prayed over Grace and went back to sleep about an hour later. This morning, Grace didn't have fever but was still fussy. I was feeling down about it because Kevin had to leave today for 5 nights/6 days. At club, we heard a US shepherd speak on trusting in Him, and some of the story illustrations were even about being in Asia without good medical care. It was timely for me to be reminded that my faith should not be in having handy-dandy ER's with the latest medical equipment, but in Him. Sometimes, when all that other stuff is taken away from us, we really get to the heart of trusting Him and realize He is enough. This afternoon, Kevin left and 30 minutes later Grace woke up with a spiked fever again. I called an American doctor friend and asked him to recommend an antibiotic, knowing tomorrow I'd try to search for suspension (liquid) antibiotics to give Grace. They are hard to find here, so I wasn't looking forward to getting out and searching all morning for that. But, our doctor friend just called back and told me he found the needed medicine while out shopping and went ahead and bought some for Grace. I started crying, realizing how stupidly tense I've been over this. Such a small thing, yet such a big Dad. He takes care of our needs before we even know them.


Patricia & Pat Godin said...

Thanks for sharing how Grace is taken care of by her DAD not just her dad and mom. I hope Grace is getting better and mom can relax. We love you guys. Mom G

Anonymous said...

girl, I am so with you on the worry factor. If you get lonely while kevers is gone, give me a call. I'm sure I've got plenty of drama to keep you occupied. We'll be thinking of sweet grace and you too - being alone is no fun even when everything is going great! love you, girl.

kristen lewis said...

I am so thankful for a Father whose love for us covers even the little and every day needs. Grace is certainly in good hands.

Thank you for the reminder of how personal our Father's love is. Love you.